Friday 2 January 2015

My name is Talullah

After spending an hour in Superdrug searching for the exact duplicate of a certain lipstick, I came across the one from Collection's 'Deluxe' range which is aptly named 'Talullah', as it certainly has a youthful showgirl feel to it.

I stumbled upon the lipstick as I was trying to find the exact same shade as Revlon's 'Pink in the afternoon', which is the replica of the one Audrey Hepburn wore in her career defining role as Holly Golightly in' Breakfast at Tiffany's', telling the story of a glamorous woman living in New York unsure of what she wants from life, trying to find somewhere she feels at ease. The one place she feels at home is at the jewelry store Tiffany's, and this is apt because once you apply this lipstick you certainly feel like a glamorous woman in the big city, like you could walk into somewhere like Tiffany's and look right in place.

The lipstick has an almost vintage look to it, a slightly pinker nude with a vague glossy sheen to it, and leaves your lips feeling smooth and moisturised.

At £4.99, it is rather cheaper than the original and easy obtainable from somewhere like Superdrug or Boots. It is an exact match to 'Pink in the afternoon' and better for those on a budget, looking to find a lipstick that will make any outfit look sophisticated and classy. Whether you're looking for the sophisticated glamour girl look of Holly Golightly, or the jazzy showgirl look of Talullah, this lipstick is perfect with any look.

Available from